Couch Stain Removal

Trust The Most Effective Couch Stain Removal Company In Perth

If you need to clean and refresh your couch with our couch stain removal service, we can help. We specialise in stain removal, cleaning upholstery, and restoring your sofa to its best appearance. Your sofa or sectional will be especially steam cleaned when our local sofa cleaners arrive at your home or workplace. Plus, we offer dry cleaning services for any areas that require a little extra care.

The easiest way to get rid of mould and stains on your couch is to use cleaning and stain removal services. You won’t have to worry about buying a new sofa because our expert cleaners will quickly remove stains. So give us a call right away to get the best discount on our couch cleaning services in Perth.

Advantages Of Choosing Us For Couch Stain Removal

  • Appearance

One of the biggest benefits of cleaning upholstery is aesthetics because you can see the difference right away. Your furniture will look dull and dusty if dirt and debris sit there too long. When your friends come over, you may feel shy and reluctant to sit on the couch because of it. Our professional furniture cleaning company can easily remove stains and spills using its knowledge, tools, and equipment. 

  • Fresher scent

It’s a fact that stains stink. So anything sitting on your furniture, including pet stains and food stains, is likely to leave odours in its wake. What about decorations in a smoky house? Upholstery cleaning is clearly overdue if your furniture is weather-beaten and starting to stink. Although you can mask the smell with a little air freshener, only a thorough cleaning of your upholstery will completely remove the smell from your furniture. All mites, previous spills, and allergens will be removed by damp washing on the surface and inside the fabric.

  • Tolerance

Dust and stain particles can make your couch dirty and ragged. These have serrated edges that can scratch the fibres and permanently damage your upholstery. Also, your leather sofa will age quite quickly if you don’t clean and dampen it regularly. Professional upholstery cleaning will prevent stains from forming on your furniture fabric. Without regular maintenance, odours, body oils, and dust can cling to upholstery forever. You can extend the life of your furniture and ultimately save money by using a specialist stain removal service. 

  • Improve air quality

An exceptionally important benefit of stain removal is improved air quality. Professional upholstery cleaning removes dander, pollen, and dust that can trigger allergies and penetrate deep into the fibres of your furniture, causing eye, nose, and throat irritation. By getting rid of stains, you can improve the air quality in your home and live a healthier life with your family.

Our Services For Cleaning And Maintaining Upholstery In Perth

Sofa dry cleaning

Our sofa cleaning service is perfect for those who want to keep their sofas in perfect condition without spending a lot of time and money. The fact that we can do it all for you is the best feature of our service.

Sofa odour removal

We provide sofa deodorising services to make your sofa feel new again. We take our time with every piece of furniture and make sure it’s smelling fresh by deodorising or cleaning your sofa because we know how much a clean sofa can improve the look of your home.

Couch protection with Scotchgard

Dust any surface that may collect dirt. Your sofa should be cleaned and treated with Scotchgard Sofa Protector Treatment. We can help you with that. Immediately get the service you need.

Steam sofa cleaning

During steam cleaning, we can remove all stains from the sofa. Our approach is safe for people, pets, and children, as we only use environmentally friendly cleaners. 

Sofa disinfection

We have been in business for over 20 years and are happy to offer our sofa cleaning and disinfection services throughout Perth. With our efficient and reliable cleaning services and a wide selection of options, we can meet all your cleaning needs.

Our Stain Removal And Upholstery Cleaning Method

  • First, we use a dry towel or paper towel to absorb as much excess liquid as possible.
  • After that, we apply baking soda to the stain and give it about 30 minutes to work. Baking soda will further reduce discolouration. Additionally, we use a vinegar solution to remove stubborn stains from sofas.
  • We also used a vacuum to remove all the baking soda and dirt after 30 minutes.
  • To clean the area with a towel or sponge, we mix dishwasher, water, vinegar, or lemon juice.
  • For best results, we recommend rinsing with water and then drying with a clean cloth.

Why Contact Karls Couch Cleaning For Stain Removal In Perth?

  • If you need emergency sofa spot cleaning, we offer same-day service.
  • You don’t need to hire an expensive crown corporation because we are a local company.
  • We can give you a lot because we have no overhead or staff.
  • We’re a local company with over 20 years of experience in the business, and we really care when our customers turn to us for sofa stain removal.
  • We have insurance, bonds, and a license.
  • Because we guarantee our work, we’ll fix it for free if you’re unsatisfied.
  • We use special tools designed to deep clean upholstery without damaging the fabric or other furnishings in your home.